Friday, October 22, 2010

Unbridled Determination

I think everyone would agree with me when I say that I utterly despise feeling like a failure. There's a vulnerability associated with it that I would rather not share ... with anyone.

But last night my mom got me thinking. I was frustrated with two different veils that have not behaved very well. One currently has two tiny holes (thanks to my trying to fix it) and a kink. The other I have to take apart and re-do thanks to some buckling of the tulle. While discussing with my mom, she said that she couldn't believe I hadn't completely given up, thrown in the towel, walked away. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that YOU are the reason I have not given up. As Danna Miller once told me when giving tips on a successful half marathon: once you decide to do it, tell everyone you know! Then there's no backing out. :)

Normally, I don't have this much determination. But thanks to you, I have been more determined than ever. And I will perfect these two veils before the photo shoot.

Thanks, Danna, for the advice!! And a big thank you to everyone else for not letting me back out!! xoxo