Monday, October 11, 2010

Flower Girl Gift Idea: Tutus!

It is all about tulle here at Embellish. If it is made out of tulle, resembles tulle, matches tulle or simply would go well with tulle, we'll make it!

Our latest addition would be the perfect gift for any little girl in your life. But for you brides out there, it would be the perfect Flower Girl gift: for playtime or to incorporate into her wedding day outfit, adding a layer of pizazz!

This weekend, I delivered my first tutu to a precious little girl in Nashville. It was a success: it fit perfectly (with no measurements) and this beautiful little baby lady wore it all night. She's a shy little one and would not smile for the camera. But adorable she is and love the tutu she did!

To order a tutu for your little one today, email Carolyn at

Photos by Kristen England. Note that the pictures above do not do Kristen's work justice as these are the unedited ones off my camera! So be sure to visit her website to see her mad skills!