Tuesday, October 28, 2014

5 Things to Know Before Picking Out A Wedding Veil or Hair Accessories

Here at Embellish, while we are whimsical, we are also part practical. Therefore, we want you to be armed with information when it comes time to pick out the perfect, eye-catching wedding veil or hair accessory for your Big Day. 

These are not all the things to consider when picking out a wedding veil or hair accessory; that post will come later. For now, here are things you should know before picking out a wedding veil or hair accessory for your Big Day: 

1) KNOW THE LOCATION OF YOUR WEDDING. Is it on the beach, where wind might continuously blow a longer veil in your face throughout the ceremony? Or perhaps in a chapel or cathedral that calls for a long veil to drag the floor behind you reminiscent of royalty?

2) KNOW THE TONE OF YOUR WEDDING. Is it black tie, playful, hippie, fairy tale, etc? Keeping everything in the same tone will help make for a seamless feel throughout the wedding festivities.

3) FIND THE DRESS. This probably goes without saying, but the dress will help drive the shape, length and embellishments your veil should have. More considerations involving the dress to come in that later post I mentioned earlier.

4) KNOW WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO WITH YOUR HAIR. It doesn't have to be the final version, but at least have an idea: up? down? half up? curlicues? You get the picture.

5) KNOW YOUR BUDGET FOR BRIDAL ACCESSORIES. The last thing you want to do is fall in love with a veil outside your budget. If you have X for your budget and have picked out a necklace and earrings that total Y, your veil must equal no more than X-Y; but you already knew that. Just remember to remember it.

So those are my top 5 things to know before picking out a wedding dress or hair accessory. Hopefully this was helpful. I'll do another post shortly on specific things to consider when picking our your wedding veil.

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